Thursday, December 29, 2011

Seriously, I Should Be A Casting Director

So, there's a week left of Christmas break. Christmas was pretty great and all, but the highlight of my holiday occurred today, at approximately 5:07 PM.

My brother, Spencer, and I officially finished casting our Justice League movie. Yeah, we're big time movie makers. Ever seen Inception? The Lord of the Rings? Yeah, those were us.

Okay, maybe not. But we like to pretend.

Anyway, Spencer and I have been working on this list for a long time. A really long time. I think we can all agree that the Justice League can/will beat the crap out of the Avengers any day, any where, every time. Yet, the Avengers get a movie, and Justice League gets Christian Bale. So, we cast it, as if we're actually going to make it. Ready? Seriously... ready? I don't think so. But I'll tell you anyway.

Superman: Henry Cavill.


Yes, I realize he's already cast as Superman: Man of Steel. But I like him. He is really good-looking. And he has muscles. Lots of them. I like him. And he's a pretty good actor, too. ;)

Batman: Michael Fassbender.


He needs some serious muscle building, but he already has the "I am Batman" voice going on, and he's very tall, dark, and handsome.

The Flash: Ryan Reynolds.


He was the Green Lantern, but I didn't love him as Hal Jordan. He would be better as a youthful, cocky guy who runs fast and experiences some kind of emotional conflict, resolution, and subsequent growth. Because that's what Ryan Reynolds does, and he's good at it. Side note: Look at that picture. Look at it!! It is beautiful. ;)

Green Lantern: Sam Worthington or Isaiah Mustafa (the Old Spice Guy).



In the early days of the Justice League, the Green Lanterns were Alan Scott and Hal Jordan. In the 70's, he changed to John Stewart. I've seen cartoons/comics featuring Jordan and some featuring Stewart. Ryan Reynolds played Hal Jordan in the movie that just came out. So, if this were to become a movie, really either one would work. In the case of Alan or Hal, Sam Worthington would be a great Green Lantern, and Isaiah Mustafa would make an awesome John.

Wonder Woman: January Jones.


She was super cheesy in X-Men: First Class, but the woman is beautiful and (please don't judge me for this) would be able to pull off that horrible outfit. Very few women would be able to do that.

Martian Manhunter: Daniel Cudmore.


Many people probably don't know who this guy is. I only know him from X-Men. He played Colossus. He is a tall man. Since John Jones, aka Martian Manhunter, aka J'onn J'onzz, is going to be CGI anyway, you don't really need anything more than half decent acting skills. And Daniel Cudmore looks a little like him, even without any fixin's. Also, there are many pictures of shirtless men on this list. I like it.

Aquaman: Sean Bean.


Boromir. Enough said.

I am so proud of this list. Ridiculously proud. I am printing this off and framing it. So proud of myself. So who would your casting choices be, for this movie or another?

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